For this blog entry, I’m going to write about the new first person shooter game, Call of Duty: Black Ops. The game was released on November, 09, 2010. The game can be played on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC and Nintendo DS.
The main character in Black Ops is a man called Alex Mason who works for the army. The game starts out with Mason being tied up to an electric chair in a small room with someone looking from a window from above. Mason, as well as the person who is playing the game, doesn’t know what is going on. The man in the window asks Mason questions about what happened to him. The missions that the person plays are the flash backs and memories of Mason. While the game progresses, Mason has these numbers stuck in his head and can’t seem to get them out. That is the main thing the man in the window wants from Mason. By the end of the game, the player will find out what the numbers mean, who’s the man behind the window, and another secret which makes a twist in the story.

Black Ops is an action packed game with a lot of story behind it. The game also has multiplayer mode which can be played split screen or online. In online, Treyarch (the producers of the game) added a new feature called wager matches which I thought was very fun. The last game mode in Black Ops is zombies which is a very fun thing to play. The main thing about zombies is that you have to survive endless waves of the undead. It might sound retarded, but when you play with 3 other people, the game gets hard and fun at the same time. After reading this blog entry, I hope you guys will buy this game and enjoy it as much as I did.